Back to Basics

It is said that if you wait long enough, then you will find yourself back where you started 1

The return to basics I mean, relates to computer programming.

When I started messing around with computers and programming, there were few programs/utilities/apps to use. There were a few word processors 2 and perhaps a spreadsheet or two but little else. Handcrafted programs in BBC BASIC were the way to fill in the gaps.

In the intervening years 3 precooked ‘ready meals’ of apps have sufficed to fulfil most of my needs and wants.

However, software engineers and indie programmers do not always anticipate or indeed are able to get right down into the weeds of my automation needs.

Here, the ability to ‘write’ ‘programs’ or workflows or shortcuts is increasingly valuable 4

I can now automate mailshots, expenses returns and indeed, this blog

As you can see, it really is a return to Basics

  1. This is certainly true within the NHS

  2. WordStar anyone?

  3. 1991-2018

  4. Really is that what programmers do when then use APIs?

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