Racing Cars

Job done
All cars stripped, painted and decals applied. New tyres as old ones crumbling. Curious how some rubber products liquefy while the rest dry out and become brittle. Have I spoilt these models by the refurbishment — I don’t think so. Does a classic car lose value by being resprayed or having new tyres?

These now have pride of place on my mantelpiece in the study.

Now for the next project … A model train set.

This will be my 4th set … The first as a child, the second to celebrate my first child, the third for my youngest and the present one for Cameron, my first grandchild. Mind you, it will be a long while before he can do more than just watch. He can start with the Duplo train and then graduate onto Thomas and friends. Where did those old Rev Awdrey books go to?

Next time, some thoughts on scale and the history of HO/OO

Before restoration
Dinky cars after restoration
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