Lightroom revisited
I took the plunge and have signed up for Adobe Photo CC. Early days yet to see if the extras are worth it. The decision was made by my old version of Photoshop refusing to load unless I had installed Java (no not javascript). My reading of the situation is that Java is so riddled with holes and backdoors, that it is a serious risk to my digital security.
One feature, that I have just noticed is the ability to change a file type to .dng 1
This is marvellous. Doing a round trip to Pixelmator from LR results in a 20MB file ballooning to 120MB or thereabouts. Just set up a smart collection to pick out the .tiff, .psd & raw files and convert to .dng. Success. Many gigabytes of storage saved

- This may have been there in LR6 but I have only just noticed it. It does prove the old adage that we only use a small percentage of a complex computer program. ↩