A change of direction in this blog post. I’m going to look at new directions in technology and how we communicate. It’s all too easy to trudge down the old paths, deepening the ruts in the dirt and never straying from this comfortable path. Our prejudices are reinforced by the information that we allow into our lives.
We should widen our horizons. The Internet age can result in headline skimming and short attention spans (see The Shallows – http://www.theshallowsbook.com/nicholascarr/Nicholas_Carrs_The_Shallows.html)
It can also give you the freedom to dive deeper and deeper into the reality behind the headlines.
The choice is yours.
I’ve been a subscriber to The Magazine since the start (on the iPad and iPhone via the Newsstand). Started by Marco Arment (of Instapaper fame), it proposed a different way of publishing. The scope has grown from a geek look at the world to a considered collection of thoughts and memes. It presents the articles in a way that is easy to read and dip into, yet possesses hooks and links to enable you to go down the rabbit hole if you so wish.
Take a look at this article on vaccination and how we make decisions. A subject close to my heart.